When I met Danielle for the first time we instantly connected; after just one hour on facetime, we knew we were friends. I loved that I got to see some of her walk home as we video chatted through her phone and that I got to see her in her own space! What was so memorable about our conversation is that we talked about really real things. Danielle shared with me that in the past years she and Chris had experienced several big losses that made both of them focus on what was most important in life. She said they realized they wanted to get married soon and wanted it to be a celebration of life and their friends and family. I felt so honored that Danielle was willing to share with me. Their urgency to gather their loved ones and celebrate life really resonated with me. Having been touched by sudden losses in the last year I felt that I was able to share that with her. We sat together miles apart but it felt like we were side by side.

The picture above is my favorite image from Danielle and Chris's wedding. To me it speaks volumes about them as a couple and the intent behind their wedding. There is so much darkness in the world it can sometimes feel that we are surrounded and alone, but in the face of hardship these two came closer together and stood in the light. The connection between them is a quiet, strong love. One that is steady and deep. When confronted with darkness, they choose to see the light, to embrace it and share it. Their willingness to give of themselves and connect with others was evident in their friends and family. The way Danielle's mom hugged Chris and called him her baby, the way Chris's groomsmen spoke about Danielle, and how the bridal party felt like a big family of fun kids who had grown up together showed me just how precious these two are to the ones they love.

Their New City York wedding at The Metropolitan Building was stunning! Danielle looked like a 50's goddess with her beehive hair and perfect red lips! She enlisted the help of her friend Stephen J Remington who turned The Metropolitan Building into a forest-like fairy land with his floral designs! It was such an incredible beautiful day that ended with Danielle and Chris encircled by the people they love most on the dance floor. Thank you both for welcoming me in to be part of your wedding and lives! I am truly honored.